VPS Hosting features

We have already discussed some of the VPS hosting features in one of our previous posts. VPS is really a great choice for some business projects, which need more resources for their running than the simple shared hosting may provide. Besides, some Australian hosting providers offer really a great choice of plans for any solution, that may exist. Let’s look through some of them.
In general, VPS plans differ due to the set of specifications they have. For example, one of them is the number of CPU cores. The logic here is pretty simple – more cores mean faster workload of the server. As a result, while operating with a huge number of scripts and automated scenarios, the server will respond faster.
RAM is another important specification, that needs to be paid attention to. It displays the amount of memory, which is available, again, for running some scripts. In most cases, the amount of RAM may be equal to 2 GB, 4 GB, 8 GB, 14 GB or 28 GB (according to the plans of ITSYS Cloud services).
The amount of space, which is available for loading the data by the customer, also differs. It is measured in the GBs as well and may be equal, for example, to 40, 50, 80, GBs and so on. While choosing the option to pick, you should count the actual size of your project with all of its files and data. It’s naturally must fit the amount of space you order.
Finally, the last criteria to pick the VPS hosting plan is the operational system, which is running on the server you order. Your hosting provider, as a rule, may offer you to install Windows or Linux operational system. So, your choice should depend on the type of a project you own. For example, if you run any desktop software, you should definitely choose the Windows plan. On the other hand, running some web applications is possible with the Linux option.
After specifying of all of the criteria, mentioned above, – you should make your choice and order the appropriate hosting plan.